class: title, self-paced Packaging d'applications
pour Kubernetes
.nav[*Self-paced version*] .debug[ ``` ``` These slides have been built from commit: 719debd [shared/](] --- class: title, in-person Packaging d'applications
pour Kubernetes
.footnote[ **Slides[:](** ] .debug[[shared/](] --- ## Introductions (en 🇫🇷) - Bonjour ! - Sur scène : Jérôme ([]) - En backstage : Alexandre, Antoine, Aurélien (x2), Benjamin (x2), David, Kostas, Nicolas, Paul, Sébastien, Thibault... - Horaires : tous les jours de 9h à 13h - On fera une pause vers (environ) 11h - N'hésitez pas à poser un maximum de questions! - Utilisez [Mattermost]( pour les questions, demander de l'aide, etc. [@alexbuisine]: [EphemeraSearch]: [@jpetazzo]: []: [@s0ulshake]: [Quantgene]: .debug[[](] --- ## Les 15 minutes du matin - Chaque jour, on commencera à 9h par une mini-présentation de 15 minutes (sur un sujet choisi ensemble, pas forcément en relation avec la formation!) - L'occasion de s'échauffer les neurones avec 🥐/☕️/🍊 (avant d'attaquer les choses sérieuses) - Puis à 9h15 on rentre dans le vif du sujet .debug[[](] --- ## Travaux pratiques - À la fin de chaque matinée, il y a un exercice pratique concret (pour mettre en œuvre ce qu'on a vu) - Les exercices font partie de la formation ! - Ils sont prévus pour prendre entre 15 minutes et 2 heures (selon les connaissances et l'aisance de chacun·e) - Chaque matinée commencera avec un passage en revue de l'exercice de la veille - On est là pour vous aider si vous bloquez sur un exercice ! .debug[[](] --- ## Allô Docker¹ ? - Une heure de questions/réposnes ouvertes ! - Mercredi: 15h00-16h00 - Jeudi: 16h00-17h00 - Sur [Jitsi][jitsi] (lien "visioconf" sur le portail de formation) .footnote[¹Clin d'œil à l'excellent ["Quoi de neuf Docker?"][qdnd] de l'excellent [Nicolas Deloof][ndeloof] 🙂] [qdnd]: [ndeloof]: [jitsi]: .debug[[](] --- ## A brief introduction - This was initially written by [Jérôme Petazzoni]( to support in-person, instructor-led workshops and tutorials - Credit is also due to [multiple contributors]( — thank you! - You can also follow along on your own, at your own pace - We included as much information as possible in these slides - We recommend having a mentor to help you ... - ... Or be comfortable spending some time reading the Kubernetes [documentation]( ... - ... And looking for answers on [StackOverflow]( and other outlets .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: self-paced ## Hands on, you shall practice - Nobody ever became a Jedi by spending their lives reading Wookiepedia - Likewise, it will take more than merely *reading* these slides to make you an expert - These slides include *tons* of demos, exercises, and examples - They assume that you have access to a Kubernetes cluster - If you are attending a workshop or tutorial:
you will be given specific instructions to access your cluster - If you are doing this on your own:
the first chapter will give you various options to get your own cluster .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Accessing these slides now - We recommend that you open these slides in your browser: - This is a public URL, you're welcome to share it with others! - Use arrows to move to next/previous slide (up, down, left, right, page up, page down) - Type a slide number + ENTER to go to that slide - The slide number is also visible in the URL bar (e.g. .../#123 for slide 123) .debug[[shared/](] --- ## These slides are open source - The sources of these slides are available in a public GitHub repository: - These slides are written in Markdown - You are welcome to share, re-use, re-mix these slides - Typos? Mistakes? Questions? Feel free to hover over the bottom of the slide ... .footnote[👇 Try it! The source file will be shown and you can view it on GitHub and fork and edit it.] .debug[[shared/](] --- ## Accessing these slides later - Slides will remain online so you can review them later if needed (let's say we'll keep them online at least 1 year, how about that?) - You can download the slides using that URL: (then open the file `3.yml.html`) - You can also generate a PDF of the slides (by printing them to a file; but be patient with your browser!) .debug[[shared/](] --- ## These slides are constantly updated - Feel free to check the GitHub repository for updates: - Look for branches named YYYY-MM-... - You can also find specific decks and other resources on: .debug[[shared/](] --- class: extra-details ## Extra details - This slide has a little magnifying glass in the top left corner - This magnifying glass indicates slides that provide extra details - Feel free to skip them if: - you are in a hurry - you are new to this and want to avoid cognitive overload - you want only the most essential information - You can review these slides another time if you want, they'll be waiting for you ☺ .debug[[shared/](] --- ## Pre-requirements - Kubernetes concepts (pods, deployments, services, labels, selectors) - Hands-on experience working with containers (building images, running them; doesn't matter how exactly) - Familiarity with the UNIX command-line (navigating directories, editing files, using `kubectl`) .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: title *Tell me and I forget.*
*Teach me and I remember.*
*Involve me and I learn.* Misattributed to Benjamin Franklin [(Probably inspired by Chinese Confucian philosopher Xunzi)]( .debug[[shared/](] --- ## Hands-on sections - There will be *a lot* of examples and demos - We are going to build, ship, and run containers (and sometimes, clusters!) - If you want, you can run all the examples and demos in your environment (but you don't have to; it's up to you!) - All hands-on sections are clearly identified, like the gray rectangle below .lab[ - This is a command that we're gonna run: ```bash echo hello world ``` ] .debug[[shared/](] --- class: in-person ## Where are we going to run our containers? .debug[[shared/](] --- class: in-person, pic  .debug[[shared/](] --- ## If you're attending a live training or workshop - Each person gets a private lab environment (depending on the scenario, this will be one VM, one cluster, multiple clusters...) - The instructor will tell you how to connect to your environment - Your lab environments will be available for the duration of the workshop (check with your instructor to know exactly when they'll be shutdown) .debug[[shared/](] --- ## Running your own lab environments - If you are following a self-paced course... - Or watching a replay of a recorded course... - ...You will need to set up a local environment for the labs - If you want to deliver your own training or workshop: - deployment scripts are available in the [prepare-labs] directory - you can use them to automatically deploy many lab environments - they support many different infrastructure providers [prepare-labs]: .debug[[shared/](] --- class: in-person ## Why don't we run containers locally? - Installing this stuff can be hard on some machines (32 bits CPU or OS... Laptops without administrator access... etc.) - *"The whole team downloaded all these container images from the WiFi!
... and it went great!"* (Literally no-one ever) - All you need is a computer (or even a phone or tablet!), with: - an Internet connection - a web browser - an SSH client .debug[[shared/](] --- class: in-person ## SSH clients - On Linux, OS X, FreeBSD... you are probably all set - On Windows, get one of these: - [putty]( - Microsoft [Win32 OpenSSH]( - [Git BASH]( - [MobaXterm]( - On Android, [JuiceSSH]( ([Play Store]( works pretty well - Nice-to-have: [Mosh]( instead of SSH, if your Internet connection tends to lose packets .debug[[shared/](] --- class: in-person, extra-details ## What is this Mosh thing? *You don't have to use Mosh or even know about it to follow along.
We're just telling you about it because some of us think it's cool!* - Mosh is "the mobile shell" - It is essentially SSH over UDP, with roaming features - It retransmits packets quickly, so it works great even on lossy connections (Like hotel or conference WiFi) - It has intelligent local echo, so it works great even in high-latency connections (Like hotel or conference WiFi) - It supports transparent roaming when your client IP address changes (Like when you hop from hotel to conference WiFi) .debug[[shared/](] --- class: in-person, extra-details ## Using Mosh - To install it: `(apt|yum|brew) install mosh` - It has been pre-installed on the VMs that we are using - To connect to a remote machine: `mosh user@host` (It is going to establish an SSH connection, then hand off to UDP) - It requires UDP ports to be open (By default, it uses a UDP port between 60000 and 61000) .debug[[shared/](] --- ## WebSSH - The virtual machines are also accessible via WebSSH - This can be useful if: - you can't install an SSH client on your machine - SSH connections are blocked (by firewall or local policy) - To use WebSSH, connect to the IP address of the remote VM on port 1080 (each machine runs a WebSSH server) - Then provide the login and password indicated on your card .debug[[shared/](] --- ## Good to know - WebSSH uses WebSocket - If you're having connections issues, try to disable your HTTP proxy (many HTTP proxies can't handle WebSocket properly) - Most keyboard shortcuts should work, except Ctrl-W (as it is hardwired by the browser to "close this tab") .debug[[shared/](] --- class: in-person ## Connecting to our lab environment .lab[ - Log into the first VM (`node1`) with your SSH client: ```bash ssh `user`@`A.B.C.D` ``` (Replace `user` and `A.B.C.D` with the user and IP address provided to you) ] You should see a prompt looking like this: ``` [A.B.C.D] (...) user@node1 ~ $ ``` If anything goes wrong — ask for help! .debug[[shared/](] --- class: in-person ## `tailhist` - The shell history of the instructor is available online in real time - Note the IP address of the instructor's virtual machine (A.B.C.D) - Open http://A.B.C.D:1088 in your browser and you should see the history - The history is updated in real time (using a WebSocket connection) - It should be green when the WebSocket is connected (if it turns red, reloading the page should fix it) .debug[[shared/](] --- ## Doing or re-doing the workshop on your own? - Use something like [Play-With-Docker]( or [Play-With-Kubernetes]( Zero setup effort; but environment are short-lived and might have limited resources - Create your own cluster (local or cloud VMs) Small setup effort; small cost; flexible environments - Create a bunch of clusters for you and your friends ([instructions]( Bigger setup effort; ideal for group training .debug[[shared/](] --- ## For a consistent Kubernetes experience ... - If you are using your own Kubernetes cluster, you can use [jpetazzo/shpod]( - `shpod` provides a shell running in a pod on your own cluster - It comes with many tools pre-installed (helm, stern...) - These tools are used in many demos and exercises in these slides - `shpod` also gives you completion and a fancy prompt - It can also be used as an SSH server if needed .debug[[shared/](] --- class: self-paced ## Get your own Docker nodes - If you already have some Docker nodes: great! - If not: let's get some thanks to Play-With-Docker .lab[ - Go to - Log in - Create your first node ] You will need a Docker ID to use Play-With-Docker. (Creating a Docker ID is free.) .debug[[shared/](] --- ## We will (mostly) interact with node1 only *These remarks apply only when using multiple nodes, of course.* - Unless instructed, **all commands must be run from the first VM, `node1`** - We will only check out/copy the code on `node1` - During normal operations, we do not need access to the other nodes - If we had to troubleshoot issues, we would use a combination of: - SSH (to access system logs, daemon status...) - Docker API (to check running containers and container engine status) .debug[[shared/](] --- ## Terminals Once in a while, the instructions will say:
"Open a new terminal." There are multiple ways to do this: - create a new window or tab on your machine, and SSH into the VM; - use screen or tmux on the VM and open a new window from there. You are welcome to use the method that you feel the most comfortable with. .debug[[shared/](] --- ## Tmux cheat sheet (basic) [Tmux]( is a terminal multiplexer like `screen`. *You don't have to use it or even know about it to follow along.
But some of us like to use it to switch between terminals.
It has been preinstalled on your workshop nodes.* - You can start a new session with `tmux`
(or resume or share an existing session with `tmux attach`) - Then use these keyboard shortcuts: - Ctrl-b c → creates a new window - Ctrl-b n → go to next window - Ctrl-b p → go to previous window - Ctrl-b " → split window top/bottom - Ctrl-b % → split window left/right - Ctrl-b arrows → navigate within split windows .debug[[shared/](] --- ## Tmux cheat sheet (advanced) - Ctrl-b d → detach session
(resume it later with `tmux attach`) - Ctrl-b Alt-1 → rearrange windows in columns - Ctrl-b Alt-2 → rearrange windows in rows - Ctrl-b , → rename window - Ctrl-b Ctrl-o → cycle pane position (e.g. switch top/bottom) - Ctrl-b PageUp → enter scrollback mode
(use PageUp/PageDown to scroll; Ctrl-c or Enter to exit scrollback) .debug[[shared/](] --- name: toc-part-1 ## Part 1 - [Our demo apps](#toc-our-demo-apps) - [Kustomize](#toc-kustomize) - [Managing stacks with Helm](#toc-managing-stacks-with-helm) - [Helm chart format](#toc-helm-chart-format) - [Creating a basic chart](#toc-creating-a-basic-chart) - [Exercise — Helm Charts](#toc-exercise--helm-charts) .debug[(auto-generated TOC)] --- name: toc-part-2 ## Part 2 - [Creating better Helm charts](#toc-creating-better-helm-charts) - [Charts using other charts](#toc-charts-using-other-charts) - [Helm and invalid values](#toc-helm-and-invalid-values) - [Helm secrets](#toc-helm-secrets) - [Exercise — Umbrella Charts](#toc-exercise--umbrella-charts) .debug[(auto-generated TOC)] --- name: toc-part-3 ## Part 3 - [YTT](#toc-ytt) - [Git-based workflows (GitOps)](#toc-git-based-workflows-gitops) - [FluxCD](#toc-fluxcd) - [ArgoCD](#toc-argocd) .debug[(auto-generated TOC)] .debug[[shared/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-our-demo-apps class: title Our demo apps .nav[ [Previous part](#toc-) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-part-1) | [Next part](#toc-kustomize) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Our demo apps - We are going to use a few demo apps for demos and labs - Let's get acquainted with them before we dive in! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## The `color` app - Image name: `jpetazzo/color`, `` - Available for linux/amd64, linux/arm64, linux/arm/v7 platforms - HTTP server listening on port 80 - Serves a web page with a single line of text - The background of the page is derived from the hostname (e.g. if the hostname is `blue-xyz-123`, the background is `blue`) - The web page is "curl-friendly" (it contains `\r` characters to hide HTML tags and declutter the output) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## The `color` app in action - Create a Deployment called `blue` using image `jpetazzo/color` - Expose that Deployment with a Service - Connect to the Service with a web browser - Connect to the Service with `curl` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Dockercoins - App with 5 microservices: - `worker` (runs an infinite loop connecting to the other services) - `rng` (web service; generates random numbers) - `hasher` (web service; computes SHA sums) - `redis` (holds a single counter incremented by the `worker` at each loop) - `webui` (web app; displays a graph showing the rate of increase of the counter) - Uses a mix of Node, Python, Ruby - Very simple components (approx. 50 lines of code for the most complicated one) .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic  .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Deploying Dockercoins - Pre-built images available as `dockercoins/
:v0.1` (e.g. `dockercoins/worker:v0.1`) - Containers "discover" each other through DNS (e.g. worker connects to `http://hasher/`) - A Kubernetes YAML manifest is available in *the* repo .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## The repository - When we refer to "the" repository, it means: - It hosts slides, demo apps, deployment scripts... - All the sample commands, labs, etc. will assume that it's available in: `~/` - Let's clone the repo in our environment! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Cloning the repo .lab[ - There is a convenient shortcut to clone the repository: ```bash git clone ``` ] While the repository clones, fork it, star it ~~subscribe and hit the bell!~~ .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Running Dockercoins - All the Kubernetes manifests are in the `k8s` subdirectory - This directory has a `dockercoins.yaml` manifest .lab[ - Deploy Dockercoins: ```bash kubectl apply -f ~/ ``` ] - The `webui` is exposed with a `NodePort` service - Connect to it (through the `NodePort` or `port-forward`) - Note, it might take a minute for the worker to start .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Details - If the `worker` Deployment is scaled up, the graph should go up - The `rng` Service is meant to be a bottleneck (capping the graph to 10/second until `rng` is scaled up) - There is artificial latency in the different services (so that the app doesn't consume CPU/RAM/network) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## More colors - The repository also contains a `rainbow.yaml` manifest - It creates three namespaces (`blue`, `green`, `red`) - In each namespace, there is an instance of the `color` app (we can use that later to do *literal* blue-green deployment!) .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-kustomize class: title Kustomize .nav[ [Previous part](#toc-our-demo-apps) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-part-1) | [Next part](#toc-managing-stacks-with-helm) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Kustomize - Kustomize lets us transform Kubernetes resources: *YAML + kustomize → new YAML* - Starting point = valid resource files (i.e. something that we could load with `kubectl apply -f`) - Recipe = a *kustomization* file (describing how to transform the resources) - Result = new resource files (that we can load with `kubectl apply -f`) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Pros and cons - Relatively easy to get started (just get some existing YAML files) - Easy to leverage existing "upstream" YAML files (or other *kustomizations*) - Somewhat integrated with `kubectl` (but only "somewhat" because of version discrepancies) - Less complex than e.g. Helm, but also less powerful - No central index like the Artifact Hub (but is there a need for it?) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Kustomize in a nutshell - Get some valid YAML (our "resources") - Write a *kustomization* (technically, a file named `kustomization.yaml`) - reference our resources - reference other kustomizations - add some *patches* - ... - Use that kustomization either with `kustomize build` or `kubectl apply -k` - Write new kustomizations referencing the first one to handle minor differences .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## A simple kustomization This features a Deployment, Service, and Ingress (in separate files), and a couple of patches (to change the number of replicas and the hostname used in the Ingress). ```yaml apiVersion: kind: Kustomization patchesStrategicMerge: - scale-deployment.yaml - ingress-hostname.yaml resources: - deployment.yaml - service.yaml - ingress.yaml ``` On the next slide, let's see a more complex example ... .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## A more complex Kustomization .small[ ```yaml apiVersion: kind: Kustomization commonAnnotations: mood: 😎 commonLabels: add-this-to-all-my-resources: please namePrefix: prod- patchesStrategicMerge: - prod-scaling.yaml - prod-healthchecks.yaml bases: - api/ - frontend/ - db/ - resources: - ingress.yaml - permissions.yaml configMapGenerator: - name: appconfig files: - global.conf - local.conf=prod.conf ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Glossary - A *base* is a kustomization that is referred to by other kustomizations - An *overlay* is a kustomization that refers to other kustomizations - A kustomization can be both a base and an overlay at the same time (a kustomization can refer to another, which can refer to a third) - A *patch* describes how to alter an existing resource (e.g. to change the image in a Deployment; or scaling parameters; etc.) - A *variant* is the final outcome of applying bases + overlays (See the [kustomize glossary][glossary] for more definitions!) [glossary]: .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## What Kustomize *cannot* do - By design, there are a number of things that Kustomize won't do - For instance: - using command-line arguments or environment variables to generate a variant - overlays can only *add* resources, not *remove* them - See the full list of [eschewed features]( for more details .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Kustomize workflows - The Kustomize documentation proposes two different workflows - *Bespoke configuration* - base and overlays managed by the same team - *Off-the-shelf configuration* (OTS) - base and overlays managed by different teams - base is regularly updated by "upstream" (e.g. a vendor) - our overlays and patches should (hopefully!) apply cleanly - we may regularly update the base, or use a remote base .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Remote bases - Kustomize can also use bases that are remote git repositories - Examples: (remote git repository) (specific tag or branch) - Note that this only works for kustomizations, not individual resources (the specified repository or directory must contain a `kustomization.yaml` file) .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details ## Hashicorp go-getter - Some versions of Kustomize support additional forms for remote resources - Examples: (remote archive) (subdirectory in archive) - This relies on [hashicorp/go-getter]( - ... But it prevents Kustomize inclusion in `kubectl` - Avoid them! - See [kustomize#3578]( for details .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Managing `kustomization.yaml` - There are many ways to manage `kustomization.yaml` files, including: - the `kustomize` CLI - opening the file with our favorite text editor - ~~web wizards like [Replicated Ship]( (deprecated) - Let's see these in action! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Working with the `kustomize` CLI General workflow: 1. `kustomize create` to generate an empty `kustomization.yaml` file 2. `kustomize edit add resource` to add Kubernetes YAML files to it 3. `kustomize edit add patch` to add patches to said resources 4. `kustomize edit add ...` or `kustomize edit set ...` (many options!) 5. `kustomize build | kubectl apply -f-` or `kubectl apply -k .` 6. Repeat steps 4-5 as many times as necessary! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Why work with the CLI? - Editing manually can introduce errors and typos - With the CLI, we don't need to remember the name of all the options and parameters (just add `--help` after any command to see possible options!) - Make sure to install the completion and try e.g. `kustomize edit add [TAB][TAB]` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## `kustomize create` .lab[ - Change to a new directory: ```bash mkdir ~/kustomcoins cd ~/kustomcoins ``` - Run `kustomize create` with the kustomcoins repository: ```bash kustomize create --resources ``` - Run `kustomize build | kubectl apply -f-` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## `kubectl` integration - Kustomize has been integrated in `kubectl` (since Kubernetes 1.14) - `kubectl kustomize` is an equivalent to `kustomize build` - commands that use `-f` can also use `-k` (`kubectl apply`/`delete`/...) - The `kustomize` tool is still needed if we want to use `create`, `edit`, ... - Kubernetes 1.14 to 1.20 uses Kustomize 2.0.3 - Kubernetes 1.21 jumps to Kustomize 4.1.2 - Future versions should track Kustomize updates more closely .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details ## Differences between 2.0.3 and later - Kustomize 2.1 / 3.0 deprecates `bases` (they should be listed in `resources`) (this means that "modern" `kustomize edit add resource` won't work with "old" `kubectl apply -k`) - Kustomize 2.1 introduces `replicas` and `envs` - Kustomize 3.1 introduces multipatches - Kustomize 3.2 introduce inline patches in `kustomization.yaml` - Kustomize 3.3 to 3.10 is mostly internal refactoring - Kustomize 4.0 drops go-getter again - Kustomize 4.1 allows patching kind and name .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Adding labels Labels can be added to all resources liks this: ```yaml apiVersion: kind: Kustomization ... commonLabels: dockercoins ``` Or with the equivalent CLI command: ```bash kustomize edit add label ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Use cases for labels - Example: clean up components that have been removed from the kustomization - Assuming that `commonLabels` have been set as shown on the previous slide: ```bash kubectl apply -k . --prune --selector ``` - ... This command removes resources that have been removed from the kustomization - Technically, resources with: - a `` annotation - labels matching the given selector .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Scaling Instead of using a patch, scaling can be done like this: ```yaml apiVersion: kind: Kustomization ... replicas: - name: worker count: 5 ``` or the CLI equivalent: ```bash kustomize edit set replicas worker=5 ``` It will automatically work with Deployments, ReplicaSets, StatefulSets. (For other resource types, fall back to a patch.) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Updating images Instead of using patches, images can be changed like this: ```yaml apiVersion: kind: Kustomization ... images: - name: postgres newName: - name: dockercoins/worker newTag: v0.2 - name: dockercoins/hasher newName: newTag: v0.2 - name: alpine digest: sha256:24a0c4b4a4c0eb97a1aabb8e29f18e917d05abfe1b7a7c07857230879ce7d3d3 ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Updating images with the CLI To add an entry in the `images:` section of the kustomization: ```bash kustomize edit set image name=[newName][:newTag][@digest] ``` - `[]` denote optional parameters - `:` and `@` are the delimiters used to indicate a field Examples: ```bash kustomize edit set image dockercoins/ kustomize edit set image dockercoins/ kustomize edit set image dockercoins/worker=:v0.2 ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Updating images, pros and cons - Very convenient when the same image appears multiple times - Very convenient to define tags (or pin to hashes) outside of the main YAML - Doesn't support wildcard or generic substitutions: - cannot "replace `dockercoins/*` with `*`" - cannot "tag all `dockercoins/*` with `v0.2`" - Only patches "well-known" image fields (won't work with CRDs referencing images) - Helm can deal with these scenarios, for instance: ```yaml image: {{ .Values.registry }}/worker:{{ .Values.version }} ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Advanced resource patching The example below shows how to: - patch multiple resources with a selector (new in Kustomize 3.1) - use an inline patch instead of a separate patch file (new in Kustomize 3.2) ```yaml apiVersion: kind: Kustomization ... patches: - patch: |- - op: replace path: /spec/template/spec/containers/0/image value: alpine target: kind: Deployment labelSelector: "app" ``` (This replaces all images of Deployments matching the `app` selector with `alpine`.) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Advanced resource patching, pros and cons - Very convenient to patch an arbitrary number of resources - Very convenient to patch any kind of resource, including CRDs - Doesn't support "fine-grained" patching (e.g. image registry or tag) - Once again, Helm can do it: ```yaml image: {{ .Values.registry }}/worker:{{ .Values.version }} ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Differences with Helm - Helm charts generally require more upfront work (while kustomize "bases" are standard Kubernetes YAML) - ... But Helm charts are also more powerful; their templating language can: - conditionally include/exclude resources or blocks within resources - generate values by concatenating, hashing, transforming parameters - generate values or resources by iteration (`{{ range ... }}`) - access the Kubernetes API during template evaluation - [and much more]( ??? :EN:- Packaging and running apps with Kustomize :FR:- *Packaging* d'applications avec Kustomize .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-managing-stacks-with-helm class: title Managing stacks with Helm .nav[ [Previous part](#toc-kustomize) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-part-1) | [Next part](#toc-helm-chart-format) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Managing stacks with Helm - Helm is a (kind of!) package manager for Kubernetes - We can use it to: - find existing packages (called "charts") created by other folks - install these packages, configuring them for our particular setup - package our own things (for distribution or for internal use) - manage the lifecycle of these installs (rollback to previous version etc.) - It's a "CNCF graduate project", indicating a certain level of maturity (more on that later) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## From `kubectl run` to YAML - We can create resources with one-line commands (`kubectl run`, `kubectl create deployment`, `kubectl expose`...) - We can also create resources by loading YAML files (with `kubectl apply -f`, `kubectl create -f`...) - There can be multiple resources in a single YAML files (making them convenient to deploy entire stacks) - However, these YAML bundles often need to be customized (e.g.: number of replicas, image version to use, features to enable...) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Beyond YAML - Very often, after putting together our first `app.yaml`, we end up with: - `app-prod.yaml` - `app-staging.yaml` - `app-dev.yaml` - instructions indicating to users "please tweak this and that in the YAML" - That's where using something like [CUE](, [Kustomize](, or [Helm]( can help! - Now we can do something like this: ```bash helm install app ... --set this.parameter=that.value ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Other features of Helm - With Helm, we create "charts" - These charts can be used internally or distributed publicly - Public charts can be indexed through the [Artifact Hub]( - This gives us a way to find and install other folks' charts - Helm also gives us ways to manage the lifecycle of what we install: - keep track of what we have installed - upgrade versions, change parameters, roll back, uninstall - Furthermore, even if it's not "the" standard, it's definitely "a" standard! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## CNCF graduation status - On April 30th 2020, Helm was the 10th project to *graduate* within the CNCF (alongside Containerd, Prometheus, and Kubernetes itself) - This is an acknowledgement by the CNCF for projects that *demonstrate thriving adoption, an open governance process,
and a strong commitment to community, sustainability, and inclusivity.* - See [CNCF announcement]( and [Helm announcement]( - In other words: Helm is here to stay .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Helm concepts - `helm` is a CLI tool - It is used to find, install, upgrade *charts* - A chart is an archive containing templatized YAML bundles - Charts are versioned - Charts can be stored on private or public repositories .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Differences between charts and packages - A package (deb, rpm...) contains binaries, libraries, etc. - A chart contains YAML manifests (the binaries, libraries, etc. are in the images referenced by the chart) - On most distributions, a package can only be installed once (installing another version replaces the installed one) - A chart can be installed multiple times - Each installation is called a *release* - This allows to install e.g. 10 instances of MongoDB (with potentially different versions and configurations) .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details ## Wait a minute ... *But, on my Debian system, I have Python 2 **and** Python 3.
Also, I have multiple versions of the Postgres database engine!* Yes! But they have different package names: - `python2.7`, `python3.8` - `postgresql-10`, `postgresql-11` Good to know: the Postgres package in Debian includes provisions to deploy multiple Postgres servers on the same system, but it's an exception (and it's a lot of work done by the package maintainer, not by the `dpkg` or `apt` tools). .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Helm 2 vs Helm 3 - Helm 3 was released [November 13, 2019]( - Charts remain compatible between Helm 2 and Helm 3 - The CLI is very similar (with minor changes to some commands) - The main difference is that Helm 2 uses `tiller`, a server-side component - Helm 3 doesn't use `tiller` at all, making it simpler (yay!) - If you see references to `tiller` in a tutorial, documentation... that doc is obsolete! .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details ## What was the problem with `tiller`? - With Helm 3: - the `helm` CLI communicates directly with the Kubernetes API - it creates resources (deployments, services...) with our credentials - With Helm 2: - the `helm` CLI communicates with `tiller`, telling `tiller` what to do - `tiller` then communicates with the Kubernetes API, using its own credentials - This indirect model caused significant permissions headaches - It also made it more complicated to embed Helm in other tools .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Installing Helm - If the `helm` CLI is not installed in your environment, install it .lab[ - Check if `helm` is installed: ```bash helm ``` - If it's not installed, run the following command: ```bash curl \ | bash ``` ] (To install Helm 2, replace `get-helm-3` with `get`.) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Charts and repositories - A *repository* (or repo in short) is a collection of charts - It's just a bunch of files (they can be hosted by a static HTTP server, or on a local directory) - We can add "repos" to Helm, giving them a nickname - The nickname is used when referring to charts on that repo (for instance, if we try to install `hello/world`, that means the chart `world` on the repo `hello`; and that repo `hello` might be something like .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## How to find charts - Go to the [Artifact Hub]( ( - Or use `helm search hub ...` from the CLI - Let's try to find a Helm chart for something called "OWASP Juice Shop"! (it is a famous demo app used in security challenges) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Finding charts from the CLI - We can use `helm search hub
` .lab[ - Look for the OWASP Juice Shop app: ```bash helm search hub owasp juice ``` - Since the URLs are truncated, try with the YAML output: ```bash helm search hub owasp juice -o yaml ``` ] Then go to → .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Finding charts on the web - We can also use the Artifact Hub search feature .lab[ - Go to - In the search box on top, enter "owasp juice" - Click on the "juice-shop" result (not "multi-juicer" or "juicy-ctf") ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Installing the chart - Click on the "Install" button, it will show instructions .lab[ - First, add the repository for that chart: ```bash helm repo add juice ``` - Then, install the chart: ```bash helm install my-juice-shop juice/juice-shop ``` ] Note: it is also possible to install directly a chart, with `--repo https://...` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Charts and releases - "Installing a chart" means creating a *release* - In the previous example, the release was named "my-juice-shop" - We can also use `--generate-name` to ask Helm to generate a name for us .lab[ - List the releases: ```bash helm list ``` - Check that we have a `my-juice-shop-...` Pod up and running: ```bash kubectl get pods ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Viewing resources of a release - This specific chart labels all its resources with a `release` label - We can use a selector to see these resources .lab[ - List all the resources created by this release: ```bash kubectl get all ``` ] Note: this label wasn't added automatically by Helm.
It is defined in that chart. In other words, not all charts will provide this label. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Configuring a release - By default, `juice/juice-shop` creates a service of type `ClusterIP` - We would like to change that to a `NodePort` - We could use `kubectl edit service my-juice-shop`, but ... ... our changes would get overwritten next time we update that chart! - Instead, we are going to *set a value* - Values are parameters that the chart can use to change its behavior - Values have default values - Each chart is free to define its own values and their defaults .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Checking possible values - We can inspect a chart with `helm show` or `helm inspect` .lab[ - Look at the README for the app: ```bash helm show readme juice/juice-shop ``` - Look at the values and their defaults: ```bash helm show values juice/juice-shop ``` ] The `values` may or may not have useful comments. The `readme` may or may not have (accurate) explanations for the values. (If we're unlucky, there won't be any indication about how to use the values!) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Setting values - Values can be set when installing a chart, or when upgrading it - We are going to update `my-juice-shop` to change the type of the service .lab[ - Update `my-juice-shop`: ```bash helm upgrade my-juice-shop juice/juice-shop \ --set service.type=NodePort ``` ] Note that we have to specify the chart that we use (`juice/my-juice-shop`), even if we just want to update some values. We can set multiple values. If we want to set many values, we can use `-f`/`--values` and pass a YAML file with all the values. All unspecified values will take the default values defined in the chart. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Connecting to the Juice Shop - Let's check the app that we just installed .lab[ - Check the node port allocated to the service: ```bash kubectl get service my-juice-shop PORT=$(kubectl get service my-juice-shop -o jsonpath={..nodePort}) ``` - Connect to it: ```bash curl localhost:$PORT/ ``` ] ??? :EN:- Helm concepts :EN:- Installing software with Helm :EN:- Finding charts on the Artifact Hub :FR:- Fonctionnement général de Helm :FR:- Installer des composants via Helm :FR:- Trouver des *charts* sur *Artifact Hub* :T: Getting started with Helm and its concepts :Q: Which comparison is the most adequate? :A: Helm is a firewall, charts are access lists :A: ✔️Helm is a package manager, charts are packages :A: Helm is an artefact repository, charts are artefacts :A: Helm is a CI/CD platform, charts are CI/CD pipelines :Q: What's required to distribute a Helm chart? :A: A Helm commercial license :A: A Docker registry :A: An account on the Helm Hub :A: ✔️An HTTP server .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-helm-chart-format class: title Helm chart format .nav[ [Previous part](#toc-managing-stacks-with-helm) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-part-1) | [Next part](#toc-creating-a-basic-chart) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Helm chart format - What exactly is a chart? - What's in it? - What would be involved in creating a chart? (we won't create a chart, but we'll see the required steps) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## What is a chart - A chart is a set of files - Some of these files are mandatory for the chart to be viable (more on that later) - These files are typically packed in a tarball - These tarballs are stored in "repos" (which can be static HTTP servers) - We can install from a repo, from a local tarball, or an unpacked tarball (the latter option is preferred when developing a chart) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## What's in a chart - A chart must have at least: - a `templates` directory, with YAML manifests for Kubernetes resources - a `values.yaml` file, containing (tunable) parameters for the chart - a `Chart.yaml` file, containing metadata (name, version, description ...) - Let's look at a simple chart for a basic demo app .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Adding the repo - If you haven't done it before, you need to add the repo for that chart .lab[ - Add the repo that holds the chart for the OWASP Juice Shop: ```bash helm repo add juice ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Downloading a chart - We can use `helm pull` to download a chart from a repo .lab[ - Download the tarball for `juice/juice-shop`: ```bash helm pull juice/juice-shop ``` (This will create a file named `juice-shop-X.Y.Z.tgz`.) - Or, download + untar `juice/juice-shop`: ```bash helm pull juice/juice-shop --untar ``` (This will create a directory named `juice-shop`.) ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Looking at the chart's content - Let's look at the files and directories in the `juice-shop` chart .lab[ - Display the tree structure of the chart we just downloaded: ```bash tree juice-shop ``` ] We see the components mentioned above: `Chart.yaml`, `templates/`, `values.yaml`. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Templates - The `templates/` directory contains YAML manifests for Kubernetes resources (Deployments, Services, etc.) - These manifests can contain template tags (using the standard Go template library) .lab[ - Look at the template file for the Service resource: ```bash cat juice-shop/templates/service.yaml ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Analyzing the template file - Tags are identified by `{{ ... }}` - `{{ template "x.y" }}` expands a [named template]( (previously defined with `{{ define "x.y" }}...stuff...{{ end }}`) - The `.` in `{{ template "x.y" . }}` is the *context* for that named template (so that the named template block can access variables from the local context) - `{{ }}` refers to [built-in variables]( initialized by Helm (indicating the chart name, version, whether we are installing or upgrading ...) - `{{ }}` refers to tunable/settable [values]( (more on that in a minute) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Values - Each chart comes with a [values file]( - It's a YAML file containing a set of default parameters for the chart - The values can be accessed in templates with e.g. `{{ .Values.x.y }}` (corresponding to field `y` in map `x` in the values file) - The values can be set or overridden when installing or ugprading a chart: - with `--set x.y=z` (can be used multiple times to set multiple values) - with `--values some-yaml-file.yaml` (set a bunch of values from a file) - Charts following best practices will have values following specific patterns (e.g. having a `service` map allowing to set `service.type` etc.) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Other useful tags - `{{ if x }} y {{ end }}` allows to include `y` if `x` evaluates to `true` (can be used for e.g. healthchecks, annotations, or even an entire resource) - `{{ range x }} y {{ end }}` iterates over `x`, evaluating `y` each time (the elements of `x` are assigned to `.` in the range scope) - `{{- x }}`/`{{ x -}}` will remove whitespace on the left/right - The whole [Sprig]( library, with additions: `lower` `upper` `quote` `trim` `default` `b64enc` `b64dec` `sha256sum` `indent` `toYaml` ... .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Pipelines - `{{ quote blah }}` can also be expressed as `{{ blah | quote }}` - With multiple arguments, `{{ x y z }}` can be expressed as `{{ z | x y }}`) - Example: `{{ .Values.annotations | toYaml | indent 4 }}` - transforms the map under `annotations` into a YAML string - indents it with 4 spaces (to match the surrounding context) - Pipelines are not specific to Helm, but a feature of Go templates (check the [Go text/template documentation]( for more details and examples) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## README and NOTES.txt - At the top-level of the chart, it's a good idea to have a README - It will be viewable with e.g. `helm show readme juice/juice-shop` - In the `templates/` directory, we can also have a `NOTES.txt` file - When the template is installed (or upgraded), `NOTES.txt` is processed too (i.e. its `{{ ... }}` tags are evaluated) - It gets displayed after the install or upgrade - It's a great place to generate messages to tell the user: - how to connect to the release they just deployed - any passwords or other thing that we generated for them .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Additional files - We can place arbitrary files in the chart (outside of the `templates/` directory) - They can be accessed in templates with `.Files` - They can be transformed into ConfigMaps or Secrets with `AsConfig` and `AsSecrets` (see [this example]( in the Helm docs) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Hooks and tests - We can define *hooks* in our templates - Hooks are resources annotated with `"": NAME-OF-HOOK` - Hook names include `pre-install`, `post-install`, `test`, [and much more]( - The resources defined in hooks are loaded at a specific time - Hook execution is *synchronous* (if the resource is a Job or Pod, Helm will wait for its completion) - This can be use for database migrations, backups, notifications, smoke tests ... - Hooks named `test` are executed only when running `helm test RELEASE-NAME` ??? :EN:- Helm charts format :FR:- Le format des *Helm charts* .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-creating-a-basic-chart class: title Creating a basic chart .nav[ [Previous part](#toc-helm-chart-format) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-part-1) | [Next part](#toc-exercise--helm-charts) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Creating a basic chart - We are going to show a way to create a *very simplified* chart - In a real chart, *lots of things* would be templatized (Resource names, service types, number of replicas...) .lab[ - Create a sample chart: ```bash helm create dockercoins ``` - Move away the sample templates and create an empty template directory: ```bash mv dockercoins/templates dockercoins/default-templates mkdir dockercoins/templates ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Adding the manifests of our app - There is a convenient `dockercoins.yml` in the repo .lab[ - Copy the YAML file to the `templates` subdirectory in the chart: ```bash cp ~/ dockercoins/templates ``` ] - Note: it is probably easier to have multiple YAML files (rather than a single, big file with all the manifests) - But that works too! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Testing our Helm chart - Our Helm chart is now ready (as surprising as it might seem!) .lab[ - Let's try to install the chart: ``` helm install helmcoins dockercoins ``` (`helmcoins` is the name of the release; `dockercoins` is the local path of the chart) ] -- - If the application is already deployed, this will fail: ``` Error: rendered manifests contain a resource that already exists. Unable to continue with install: existing resource conflict: kind: Service, namespace: default, name: hasher ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Switching to another namespace - If there is already a copy of dockercoins in the current namespace: - we can switch with `kubens` or `kubectl config set-context` - we can also tell Helm to use a different namespace .lab[ - Create a new namespace: ```bash kubectl create namespace helmcoins ``` - Deploy our chart in that namespace: ```bash helm install helmcoins dockercoins --namespace=helmcoins ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Helm releases are namespaced - Let's try to see the release that we just deployed .lab[ - List Helm releases: ```bash helm list ``` ] Our release doesn't show up! We have to specify its namespace (or switch to that namespace). .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Specifying the namespace - Try again, with the correct namespace .lab[ - List Helm releases in `helmcoins`: ```bash helm list --namespace=helmcoins ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Checking our new copy of DockerCoins - We can check the worker logs, or the web UI .lab[ - Retrieve the NodePort number of the web UI: ```bash kubectl get service webui --namespace=helmcoins ``` - Open it in a web browser - Look at the worker logs: ```bash kubectl logs deploy/worker --tail=10 --follow --namespace=helmcoins ``` ] Note: it might take a minute or two for the worker to start. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Discussion, shortcomings - Helm (and Kubernetes) best practices recommend to add a number of annotations (e.g. ``, ``, `` ...) - Our basic chart doesn't have any of these - Our basic chart doesn't use any template tag - Does it make sense to use Helm in that case? - *Yes,* because Helm will: - track the resources created by the chart - save successive revisions, allowing us to rollback [Helm docs]( and [Kubernetes docs]( have details about recommended annotations and labels. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Cleaning up - Let's remove that chart before moving on .lab[ - Delete the release (don't forget to specify the namespace): ```bash helm delete helmcoins --namespace=helmcoins ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Tips when writing charts - It is not necessary to `helm install`/`upgrade` to test a chart - If we just want to look at the generated YAML, use `helm template`: ```bash helm template ./my-chart helm template release-name ./my-chart ``` - Of course, we can use `--set` and `--values` too - Note that this won't fully validate the YAML! (e.g. if there is `apiVersion: klingon` it won't complain) - This can be used when trying things out .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Exploring the templating system Try to put something like this in a file in the `templates` directory: ```yaml hello: {{ .Values.service.port }} comment: {{/* something completely.invalid !!! */}} type: {{ .Values.service | typeOf | printf }} ### print complex value {{ .Values.service | toYaml }} ### indent it indented: {{ .Values.service | toYaml | indent 2 }} ``` Then run `helm template`. The result is not a valid YAML manifest, but this is a great debugging tool! ??? :EN:- Writing a basic Helm chart for the whole app :FR:- Écriture d'un *chart* Helm simplifié .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-exercise--helm-charts class: title Exercise — Helm Charts .nav[ [Previous part](#toc-creating-a-basic-chart) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-part-1) | [Next part](#toc-creating-better-helm-charts) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Exercise — Helm Charts - We want to deploy dockercoins with a Helm chart - We want to have a "generic chart" and instantiate it 5 times (once for each service) - We will pass values to the chart to customize it for each component (to indicate which image to use, which ports to expose, etc.) - We'll use `helm create` as a starting point for our generic chart .debug[[exercises/](] --- ## Goal - Have a directory with the generic chart (e.g. `generic-chart`) - Have 5 value files (e.g. `hasher.yml`, `redis.yml`, `rng.yml`, `webui.yml`, `worker.yml`) - Be able to install dockercoins by running 5 times: `helm install X ./generic-chart --values=X.yml` .debug[[exercises/](] --- ## Hints - There are many little things to tweak in the generic chart (service names, port numbers, healthchecks...) - Check the training slides if you need a refresher! .debug[[exercises/](] --- ## Bonus 1 - Minimize the amount of values that have to be set - Option 1: no values at all for `rng` and `hasher` (default values assume HTTP service listening on port 80) - Option 2: no values at all for `worker` (default values assume worker container with no service) .debug[[exercises/](] --- ## Bonus 2 - Handle healthchecks - Make sure that healthchecks are enabled in HTTP services - ...But not in Redis or in the worker .debug[[exercises/](] --- ## Bonus 3 - Make it easy to change image versions - E.g. change `v0.1` to `v0.2` by changing only *one* thing in *one* place .debug[[exercises/](] --- ## Bonus 4 - Make it easy to use images on a different registry - We can assume that the images will always have the same names (`hasher`, `rng`, `webui`, `worker`) - And the same tag (`v0.1`) .debug[[exercises/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-creating-better-helm-charts class: title Creating better Helm charts .nav[ [Previous part](#toc-exercise--helm-charts) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-part-2) | [Next part](#toc-charts-using-other-charts) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Creating better Helm charts - We are going to create a chart with the helper `helm create` - This will give us a chart implementing lots of Helm best practices (labels, annotations, structure of the `values.yaml` file ...) - We will use that chart as a generic Helm chart - We will use it to deploy DockerCoins - Each component of DockerCoins will have its own *release* - In other words, we will "install" that Helm chart multiple times (one time per component of DockerCoins) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Creating a generic chart - Rather than starting from scratch, we will use `helm create` - This will give us a basic chart that we will customize .lab[ - Create a basic chart: ```bash cd ~ helm create helmcoins ``` ] This creates a basic chart in the directory `helmcoins`. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## What's in the basic chart? - The basic chart will create a Deployment and a Service - Optionally, it will also include an Ingress - If we don't pass any values, it will deploy the `nginx` image - We can override many things in that chart - Let's try to deploy DockerCoins components with that chart! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Writing `values.yaml` for our components - We need to write one `values.yaml` file for each component (hasher, redis, rng, webui, worker) - We will start with the `values.yaml` of the chart, and remove what we don't need - We will create 5 files: hasher.yaml, redis.yaml, rng.yaml, webui.yaml, worker.yaml - In each file, we want to have: ```yaml image: repository: IMAGE-REPOSITORY-NAME tag: IMAGE-TAG ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Getting started - For component X, we want to use the image dockercoins/X:v0.1 (for instance, for rng, we want to use the image dockercoins/rng:v0.1) - Exception: for redis, we want to use the official image redis:latest .lab[ - Write YAML files for the 5 components, with the following model: ```yaml image: repository: `IMAGE-REPOSITORY-NAME` (e.g. dockercoins/worker) tag: `IMAGE-TAG` (e.g. v0.1) ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Deploying DockerCoins components - For convenience, let's work in a separate namespace .lab[ - Create a new namespace (if it doesn't already exist): ```bash kubectl create namespace helmcoins ``` - Switch to that namespace: ```bash kns helmcoins ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Deploying the chart - To install a chart, we can use the following command: ```bash helm install COMPONENT-NAME CHART-DIRECTORY ``` - We can also use the following command, which is *idempotent*: ```bash helm upgrade COMPONENT-NAME CHART-DIRECTORY --install ``` .lab[ - Install the 5 components of DockerCoins: ```bash for COMPONENT in hasher redis rng webui worker; do helm upgrade $COMPONENT helmcoins --install --values=$COMPONENT.yaml done ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details ## "Idempotent" - Idempotent = that can be applied multiple times without changing the result (the word is commonly used in maths and computer science) - In this context, this means: - if the action (installing the chart) wasn't done, do it - if the action was already done, don't do anything - Ideally, when such an action fails, it can be retried safely (as opposed to, e.g., installing a new release each time we run it) - Other example: `kubectl apply -f some-file.yaml` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Checking what we've done - Let's see if DockerCoins is working! .lab[ - Check the logs of the worker: ```bash stern worker ``` - Look at the resources that were created: ```bash kubectl get all ``` ] There are *many* issues to fix! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Can't pull image - It looks like our images can't be found .lab[ - Use `kubectl describe` on any of the pods in error ] - We're trying to pull `rng:1.16.0` instead of `rng:v0.1`! - Where does that `1.16.0` tag come from? .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Inspecting our template - Let's look at the `templates/` directory (and try to find the one generating the Deployment resource) .lab[ - Show the structure of the `helmcoins` chart that Helm generated: ```bash tree helmcoins ``` - Check the file `helmcoins/templates/deployment.yaml` - Look for the `image:` parameter ] *The image tag references `{{ .Chart.AppVersion }}`. Where does that come from?* .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## The `.Chart` variable - `.Chart` is a map corresponding to the values in `Chart.yaml` - Let's look for `AppVersion` there! .lab[ - Check the file `helmcoins/Chart.yaml` - Look for the `appVersion:` parameter ] (Yes, the case is different between the template and the Chart file.) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Using the correct tags - If we change `AppVersion` to `v0.1`, it will change for *all* deployments (including redis) - Instead, let's change the *template* to use `{{ .Values.image.tag }}` (to match what we've specified in our values YAML files) .lab[ - Edit `helmcoins/templates/deployment.yaml` - Replace `{{ .Chart.AppVersion }}` with `{{ .Values.image.tag }}` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Upgrading to use the new template - Technically, we just made a new version of the *chart* - To use the new template, we need to *upgrade* the release to use that chart .lab[ - Upgrade all components: ```bash for COMPONENT in hasher redis rng webui worker; do helm upgrade $COMPONENT helmcoins done ``` - Check how our pods are doing: ```bash kubectl get pods ``` ] We should see all pods "Running". But ... not all of them are READY. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Troubleshooting readiness - `hasher`, `rng`, `webui` should show up as `1/1 READY` - But `redis` and `worker` should show up as `0/1 READY` - Why? .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Troubleshooting pods - The easiest way to troubleshoot pods is to look at *events* - We can look at all the events on the cluster (with `kubectl get events`) - Or we can use `kubectl describe` on the objects that have problems (`kubectl describe` will retrieve the events related to the object) .lab[ - Check the events for the redis pods: ```bash kubectl describe pod -l ``` ] It's failing both its liveness and readiness probes! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Healthchecks - The default chart defines healthchecks doing HTTP requests on port 80 - That won't work for redis and worker (redis is not HTTP, and not on port 80; worker doesn't even listen) -- - We could remove or comment out the healthchecks - We could also make them conditional - This sounds more interesting, let's do that! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Conditionals - We need to enclose the healthcheck block with: `{{ if false }}` at the beginning (we can change the condition later) `{{ end }}` at the end .lab[ - Edit `helmcoins/templates/deployment.yaml` - Add `{{ if false }}` on the line before `livenessProbe` - Add `{{ end }}` after the `readinessProbe` section (see next slide for details) ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- This is what the new YAML should look like (added lines in yellow): ```yaml ports: - name: http containerPort: 80 protocol: TCP `{{ if false }}` livenessProbe: httpGet: path: / port: http readinessProbe: httpGet: path: / port: http `{{ end }}` resources: {{- toYaml .Values.resources | nindent 12 }} ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Testing the new chart - We need to upgrade all the services again to use the new chart .lab[ - Upgrade all components: ```bash for COMPONENT in hasher redis rng webui worker; do helm upgrade $COMPONENT helmcoins done ``` - Check how our pods are doing: ```bash kubectl get pods ``` ] Everything should now be running! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## What's next? - Is this working now? .lab[ - Let's check the logs of the worker: ```bash stern worker ``` ] This error might look familiar ... The worker can't resolve `redis`. Typically, that error means that the `redis` service doesn't exist. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Checking services - What about the services created by our chart? .lab[ - Check the list of services: ```bash kubectl get services ``` ] They are named `COMPONENT-helmcoins` instead of just `COMPONENT`. We need to change that! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Where do the service names come from? - Look at the YAML template used for the services - It should be using `{{ include "helmcoins.fullname" }}` - `include` indicates a *template block* defined somewhere else .lab[ - Find where that `fullname` thing is defined: ```bash grep define.*fullname helmcoins/templates/* ``` ] It should be in `_helpers.tpl`. We can look at the definition, but it's fairly complex ... .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Changing service names - Instead of that `{{ include }}` tag, let's use the name of the release - The name of the release is available as `{{ .Release.Name }}` .lab[ - Edit `helmcoins/templates/service.yaml` - Replace the service name with `{{ .Release.Name }}` - Upgrade all the releases to use the new chart - Confirm that the services now have the right names ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Is it working now? - If we look at the worker logs, it appears that the worker is still stuck - What could be happening? -- - The redis service is not on port 80! - Let's see how the port number is set - We need to look at both the *deployment* template and the *service* template .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Service template - In the service template, we have the following section: ```yaml ports: - port: {{ .Values.service.port }} targetPort: http protocol: TCP name: http ``` - `port` is the port on which the service is "listening" (i.e. to which our code needs to connect) - `targetPort` is the port on which the pods are listening - The `name` is not important (it's OK if it's `http` even for non-HTTP traffic) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Setting the redis port - Let's add a `service.port` value to the redis release .lab[ - Edit `redis.yaml` to add: ```yaml service: port: 6379 ``` - Apply the new values file: ```bash helm upgrade redis helmcoins --values=redis.yaml ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Deployment template - If we look at the deployment template, we see this section: ```yaml ports: - name: http containerPort: 80 protocol: TCP ``` - The container port is hard-coded to 80 - We'll change it to use the port number specified in the values .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Changing the deployment template .lab[ - Edit `helmcoins/templates/deployment.yaml` - The line with `containerPort` should be: ```yaml containerPort: {{ .Values.service.port }} ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Apply changes - Re-run the for loop to execute `helm upgrade` one more time - Check the worker logs - This time, it should be working! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Extra steps - We don't need to create a service for the worker - We can put the whole service block in a conditional (this will require additional changes in other files referencing the service) - We can set the webui to be a NodePort service - We can change the number of workers with `replicaCount` - And much more! ??? :EN:- Writing better Helm charts for app components :FR:- Écriture de *charts* composant par composant .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-charts-using-other-charts class: title Charts using other charts .nav[ [Previous part](#toc-creating-better-helm-charts) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-part-2) | [Next part](#toc-helm-and-invalid-values) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Charts using other charts - Helm charts can have *dependencies* on other charts - These dependencies will help us to share or reuse components (so that we write and maintain less manifests, less templates, less code!) - As an example, we will use a community chart for Redis - This will help people who write charts, and people who use them - ... And potentially remove a lot of code! ✌️ .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Redis in DockerCoins - In the DockerCoins demo app, we have 5 components: - 2 internal webservices - 1 worker - 1 public web UI - 1 Redis data store - Every component is running some custom code, except Redis - Every component is using a custom image, except Redis (which is using the official `redis` image) - Could we use a standard chart for Redis? - Yes! Dependencies to the rescue! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Adding our dependency - First, we will add the dependency to the `Chart.yaml` file - Then, we will ask Helm to download that dependency - We will also *lock* the dependency (lock it to a specific version, to ensure reproducibility) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Declaring the dependency - First, let's edit `Chart.yaml` .lab[ - In `Chart.yaml`, fill the `dependencies` section: ```yaml dependencies: - name: redis version: 11.0.5 repository: condition: redis.enabled ``` ] Where do that `repository` and `version` come from? We're assuming here that we did our research, or that our resident Helm expert advised us to use Bitnami's Redis chart. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Conditions - The `condition` field gives us a way to enable/disable the dependency: ```yaml conditions: redis.enabled ``` - Here, we can disable Redis with the Helm flag `--set redis.enabled=false` (or set that value in a `values.yaml` file) - Of course, this is mostly useful for *optional* dependencies (otherwise, the app ends up being broken since it'll miss a component) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Lock & Load! - After adding the dependency, we ask Helm to pin an download it .lab[ - Ask Helm: ```bash helm dependency update ``` (Or `helm dep up`) ] - This wil create `Chart.lock` and fetch the dependency .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## What's `Chart.lock`? - This is a common pattern with dependencies (see also: `Gemfile.lock`, `package.json.lock`, and many others) - This lets us define loose dependencies in `Chart.yaml` (e.g. "version 11.whatever, but below 12") - But have the exact version used in `Chart.lock` - This ensures reproducible deployments - `Chart.lock` can (should!) be added to our source tree - `Chart.lock` can (should!) regularly be updated .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Loose dependencies - Here is an example of loose version requirement: ```yaml dependencies: - name: redis version: ">=11, <12" repository: ``` - This makes sure that we have the most recent version in the 11.x train - ... But without upgrading to version 12.x (because it might be incompatible) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## `build` vs `update` - Helm actually offers two commands to manage dependencies: `helm dependency build` = fetch dependencies listed in `Chart.lock` `helm dependency update` = update `Chart.lock` (and run `build`) - When the dependency gets updated, we can/should: - `helm dep up` (update `Chart.lock` and fetch new chart) - test! - if everything is fine, `git add Chart.lock` and commit .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Where are my dependencies? - Dependencies are downloaded to the `charts/` subdirectory - When they're downloaded, they stay in compressed format (`.tgz`) - Should we commit them to our code repository? - Pros: - more resilient to internet/mirror failures/decomissioning - Cons: - can add a lot of weight to the repo if charts are big or change often - this can be solved by extra tools like git-lfs .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Dependency tuning - DockerCoins expects the `redis` Service to be named `redis` - Our Redis chart uses a different Service name by default - Service name is `{{ template "redis.fullname" . }}-master` - `redis.fullname` looks like this: ``` {{- define "redis.fullname" -}} {{- if .Values.fullnameOverride -}} {{- .Values.fullnameOverride | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}} {{- else -}} [...] {{- end }} {{- end }} ``` - How do we fix this? .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Setting dependency variables - If we set `fullnameOverride` to `redis`: - the `{{ template ... }}` block will output `redis` - the Service name will be `redis-master` - A parent chart can set values for its dependencies - For example, in the parent's `values.yaml`: ```yaml redis: # Name of the dependency fullnameOverride: redis # Value passed to redis cluster: # Other values passed to redis enabled: false ``` - User can also set variables with `--set=` or with `--values=` .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details ## Passing templates - We can even pass template `{{ include "" }}`, but warning: - need to be evaluated with the `tpl` function, on the child side - evaluated in the context of the child, with no access to parent variables .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Getting rid of the `-master` - Even if we set that `fullnameOverride`, the Service name will be `redis-master` - To remove the `-master` suffix, we need to edit the chart itself - To edit the Redis chart, we need to *embed* it in our own chart - We need to: - decompress the chart - adjust `Chart.yaml` accordingly .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Embedding a dependency .lab[ - Decompress the chart: ```yaml cd charts tar zxf redis-*.tgz cd .. ``` - Edit `Chart.yaml` and update the `dependencies` section: ```yaml dependencies: - name: redis version: '*' # No need to constraint version, from local files ``` - Run `helm dep update` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Updating the dependency - Now we can edit the Service name (it should be in `charts/redis/templates/redis-master-svc.yaml`) - Then try to deploy the whole chart! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Embedding a dependency multiple times - What if we need multiple copies of the same subchart? (for instance, if we need two completely different Redis servers) - We can declare a dependency multiple times, and specify an `alias`: ```yaml dependencies: - name: redis version: '*' alias: querycache - name: redis version: '*' alias: celeryqueue ``` - `.Chart.Name` will be set to the `alias` .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details ## Determining if we're in a subchart - `.Chart.IsRoot` indicates if we're in the top-level chart or in a sub-chart - Useful in charts that are designed to be used standalone or as dependencies - Example: generic chart - when used standalone (`.Chart.IsRoot` is `true`), use `.Release.Name` - when used as a subchart e.g. with multiple aliases, use `.Chart.Name` .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details ## Compatibility with Helm 2 - Chart `apiVersion: v1` is the only version supported by Helm 2 - Chart v1 is also supported by Helm 3 - Use v1 if you want to be compatible with Helm 2 - Instead of `Chart.yaml`, dependencies are defined in `requirements.yaml` (and we should commit `requirements.lock` instead of `Chart.lock`) ??? :EN:- Depending on other charts :EN:- Charts within charts :FR:- Dépendances entre charts :FR:- Un chart peut en cacher un autre .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-helm-and-invalid-values class: title Helm and invalid values .nav[ [Previous part](#toc-charts-using-other-charts) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-part-2) | [Next part](#toc-helm-secrets) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Helm and invalid values - A lot of Helm charts let us specify an image tag like this: ```bash helm install ... --set image.tag=v1.0 ``` - What happens if we make a small mistake, like this: ```bash helm install ... --set imagetag=v1.0 ``` - Or even, like this: ```bash helm install ... --set image=v1.0 ``` 🤔 .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Making mistakes - In the first case: - we set `imagetag=v1.0` instead of `image.tag=v1.0` - Helm will ignore that value (if it's not used anywhere in templates) - the chart is deployed with the default value instead - In the second case: - we set `image=v1.0` instead of `image.tag=v1.0` - `image` will be a string instead of an object - Helm will *probably* fail when trying to evaluate `image.tag` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Preventing mistakes - To prevent the first mistake, we need to tell Helm: *"let me know if any additional (unknown) value was set!"* - To prevent the second mistake, we need to tell Helm: *"`image` should be an object, and `image.tag` should be a string!"* - We can do this with *values schema validation* .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Helm values schema validation - We can write a spec representing the possible values accepted by the chart - Helm will check the validity of the values before trying to install/upgrade - If it finds problems, it will stop immediately - The spec uses [JSON Schema]( *JSON Schema is a vocabulary that allows you to annotate and validate JSON documents.* - JSON Schema is designed for JSON, but can easily work with YAML too (or any language with `map|dict|associativearray` and `list|array|sequence|tuple`) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## In practice - We need to put the JSON Schema spec in a file called `values.schema.json` (at the root of our chart; right next to `values.yaml` etc.) - The file is optional - We don't need to register or declare it in `Chart.yaml` or anywhere - Let's write a schema that will verify that ... - `image.repository` is an official image (string without slashes or dots) - `image.pullPolicy` can only be `Always`, `Never`, `IfNotPresent` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## `values.schema.json` ```json { "$schema": "", "type": "object", "properties": { "image": { "type": "object", "properties": { "repository": { "type": "string", "pattern": "^[a-z0-9-_]+$" }, "pullPolicy": { "type": "string", "pattern": "^(Always|Never|IfNotPresent)$" } } } } } ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Testing our schema - Let's try to install a couple releases with that schema! .lab[ - Try an invalid `pullPolicy`: ```bash helm install broken --set image.pullPolicy=ShallNotPass ``` - Try an invalid value: ```bash helm install should-break --set ImAgeTAg=toto ``` ] - The first one fails, but the second one still passes ... - Why? .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Bailing out on unkown properties - We told Helm what properties (values) were valid - We didn't say what to do about additional (unknown) properties! - We can fix that with `"additionalProperties": false` .lab[ - Edit `values.schema.json` to add `"additionalProperties": false` ```json { "$schema": "", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { ... ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Testing with unknown properties .lab[ - Try to pass an extra property: ```bash helm install should-break --set ImAgeTAg=toto ``` - Try to pass an extra nested property: ```bash helm install does-it-work --set image.hello=world ``` ] The first command should break. The second will not. `"additionalProperties": false` needs to be specified at each level. ??? :EN:- Helm schema validation :FR:- Validation de schema Helm .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-helm-secrets class: title Helm secrets .nav[ [Previous part](#toc-helm-and-invalid-values) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-part-2) | [Next part](#toc-exercise--umbrella-charts) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Helm secrets - Helm can do *rollbacks*: - to previously installed charts - to previous sets of values - How and where does it store the data needed to do that? - Let's investigate! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Adding the repo - If you haven't done it before, you need to add the repo for that chart .lab[ - Add the repo that holds the chart for the OWASP Juice Shop: ```bash helm repo add juice ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## We need a release - We need to install something with Helm - Let's use the `juice/juice-shop` chart as an example .lab[ - Install a release called `orange` with the chart `juice/juice-shop`: ```bash helm upgrade orange juice/juice-shop --install ``` - Let's upgrade that release, and change a value: ```bash helm upgrade orange juice/juice-shop --set ingress.enabled=true ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Release history - Helm stores successive revisions of each release .lab[ - View the history for that release: ```bash helm history orange ``` ] Where does that come from? .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Investigate - Possible options: - local filesystem (no, because history is visible from other machines) - persistent volumes (no, Helm works even without them) - ConfigMaps, Secrets? .lab[ - Look for ConfigMaps and Secrets: ```bash kubectl get configmaps,secrets ``` ] -- We should see a number of secrets with TYPE ``. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Unpacking a secret - Let's find out what is in these Helm secrets .lab[ - Examine the secret corresponding to the second release of `orange`: ```bash kubectl describe secret ``` (`v1` is the secret format; `v2` means revision 2 of the `orange` release) ] There is a key named `release`. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Unpacking the release data - Let's see what's in this `release` thing! .lab[ - Dump the secret: ```bash kubectl get secret \ -o go-template='{{ .data.release }}' ``` ] Secrets are encoded in base64. We need to decode that! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Decoding base64 - We can pipe the output through `base64 -d` or use go-template's `base64decode` .lab[ - Decode the secret: ```bash kubectl get secret \ -o go-template='{{ .data.release | base64decode }}' ``` ] -- ... Wait, this *still* looks like base64. What's going on? -- Let's try one more round of decoding! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Decoding harder - Just add one more base64 decode filter .lab[ - Decode it twice: ```bash kubectl get secret \ -o go-template='{{ .data.release | base64decode | base64decode }}' ``` ] -- ... OK, that was *a lot* of binary data. What should we do with it? .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Guessing data type - We could use `file` to figure out the data type .lab[ - Pipe the decoded release through `file -`: ```bash kubectl get secret \ -o go-template='{{ .data.release | base64decode | base64decode }}' \ | file - ``` ] -- Gzipped data! It can be decoded with `gunzip -c`. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Uncompressing the data - Let's uncompress the data and save it to a file .lab[ - Rerun the previous command, but with `| gunzip -c > release-info` : ```bash kubectl get secret \ -o go-template='{{ .data.release | base64decode | base64decode }}' \ | gunzip -c > release-info ``` - Look at `release-info`: ```bash cat release-info ``` ] -- It's a bundle of ~~YAML~~ JSON. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Looking at the JSON If we inspect that JSON (e.g. with `jq keys release-info`), we see: - `chart` (contains the entire chart used for that release) - `config` (contains the values that we've set) - `info` (date of deployment, status messages) - `manifest` (YAML generated from the templates) - `name` (name of the release, so `orange`) - `namespace` (namespace where we deployed the release) - `version` (revision number within that release; starts at 1) The chart is in a structured format, but it's entirely captured in this JSON. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Conclusions - Helm stores each release information in a Secret in the namespace of the release - The secret is JSON object (gzipped and encoded in base64) - It contains the manifests generated for that release - ... And everything needed to rebuild these manifests (including the full source of the chart, and the values used) - This allows arbitrary rollbacks, as well as tweaking values even without having access to the source of the chart (or the chart repo) used for deployment ??? :EN:- Deep dive into Helm internals :FR:- Fonctionnement interne de Helm .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-exercise--umbrella-charts class: title Exercise — Umbrella Charts .nav[ [Previous part](#toc-helm-secrets) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-part-2) | [Next part](#toc-ytt) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Exercise — Umbrella Charts - We want to deploy dockercoins with a single Helm chart - That chart will reuse the "generic chart" created previously - This will require expressing dependencies, and using the `alias` keyword - It will also require minor changes in the templates .debug[[exercises/](] --- ## Goal - We want to be able to install a copy of dockercoins with: ```bash helm install dockercoins ./umbrella-chart ``` - It should leverage the generic chart created earlier (and instanciate it five times, one time per component of dockercoins) - The values YAML files created earlier should be merged in a single one .debug[[exercises/](] --- ## Bonus - We want to replace our redis component with a better one - We're going to use Bitnami's redis chart (find it on the Artifact Hub) - However, a lot of adjustments will be required! (check following slides if you need hints) .debug[[exercises/](] --- ## Hints (1/2) - We will probably have to disable persistence - by default, the chart enables persistence - this works only if we have a default StorageClass - this can be disabled by setting a value - We will also have to disable authentication - by default, the chart generates a password for Redis - the dockercoins code doesn't use one - this can also be changed by setting a value .debug[[exercises/](] --- ## Hints (2/2) - The dockercoins code connects to `redis` - The chart generates different service names - Option 1: - vendor the chart in our umbrella chart - change the service name in the chart - Option 2: - add a Service of type ExternalName - it will be a DNS alias from `redis` to `redis-whatever.NAMESPACE.svc.cluster.local` - for extra points, make the domain configurable .debug[[exercises/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-ytt class: title YTT .nav[ [Previous part](#toc-exercise--umbrella-charts) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-part-3) | [Next part](#toc-git-based-workflows-gitops) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # YTT - YAML Templating Tool - Part of [Carvel] (a set of tools for Kubernetes application building, configuration, and deployment) - Can be used for any YAML (Kubernetes, Compose, CI pipelines...) [Carvel]: .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Features - Manipulate data structures, not text (≠ Helm) - Deterministic, hermetic execution - Define variables, blocks, functions - Write code in Starlark (dialect of Python) - Define and override values (Helm-style) - Patch resources arbitrarily (Kustomize-style) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Getting started - Install `ytt` ([binary download][download]) - Start with one (or multiple) Kubernetes YAML files *(without comments; no `#` allowed at this point!)* - `ytt -f one.yaml -f two.yaml | kubectl apply -f-` - `ytt -f. | kubectl apply -f-` [download]: .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## No comments?!? - Replace `#` with `#!` - `#@` is used by ytt - It's a kind of template tag, for instance: ```yaml #! This is a comment #@ a = 42 #@ b = "*" a: #@ a b: #@ b operation: multiply result: #@ a*b ``` - `#@` at the beginning of a line = instruction - `#@` somewhere else = value .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Building strings - Concatenation: ```yaml #@ repository = "dockercoins" #@ tag = "v0.1" containers: - name: worker image: #@ repository + "/worker:" + tag ``` - Formatting: ```yaml #@ repository = "dockercoins" #@ tag = "v0.1" containers: - name: worker image: #@ "{}/worker:{}".format(repository, tag) ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Defining functions - Reusable functions can be written in Starlark (=Python) - Blocks (`def`, `if`, `for`...) must be terminated with `#@ end` - Example: ```yaml #@ def image(component, repository="dockercoins", tag="v0.1"): #@ return "{}/{}:{}".format(repository, component, tag) #@ end containers: - name: worker image: #@ image("worker") - name: hasher image: #@ image("hasher") ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Structured data - Functions can return complex types - Example: defining a common set of labels ```yaml #@ name = "worker" #@ def labels(component): #@ return { #@ "app": component, #@ "": "ytt", #@ } #@ end kind: Pod apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: #@ name labels: #@ labels(name) ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## YAML functions - Function body can also be straight YAML: ```yaml #@ name = "worker" #@ def labels(component): app: #@ component ytt #@ end kind: Pod apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: #@ name labels: #@ labels(name) ``` - The return type of the function is then a [YAML fragment][fragment] [fragment]: .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## More YAML functions - We can load library functions: ```yaml #@ load("@ytt:sha256", "sha256") ``` - This is (sort of) equivalent fo `from ytt.sha256 import sha256` - Functions can contain a mix of code and YAML fragment: ```yaml #@ load("@ytt:sha256", "sha256") #@ def annotations(): #@ author = "Jérôme Petazzoni" author: #@ author author_hash: #@ sha256.sum(author)[:8] #@ end annotations: #@ annotations() ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Data values - We can define a *schema* in a separate file: ```yaml #@data/values-schema --- #! there must be a "---" here! repository: dockercoins tag: v0.1 ``` - This defines the data values (=customizable parameters), as well as their *types* and *default values* - Technically, `#@data/values-schema` is an annotation, and it applies to a YAML document; so the following element must be a YAML document - This is conceptually similar to Helm's *values* file
(but with type enforcement as a bonus) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Using data values - Requires loading `@ytt:data` - Values are then available in `data.values` - Example: ```yaml #@ load("@ytt:data", "data") #@ def image(component): #@ return "{}/{}:{}".format(data.values.repository, component, data.values.tag) #@ end #@ name = "worker" containers: - name: #@ name image: #@ image(name) ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Overriding data values - There are many ways to set and override data values: - plain YAML files - data value overlays - environment variables - command-line flags - Precedence of the different methods is defined in the [docs] [docs]: .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Values in plain YAML files - Content of `values.yaml`: ```yaml tag: latest ``` - Values get merged with `--data-values-file`: ```bash ytt -f config/ --data-values-file values.yaml ``` - Multiple files can be specified - These files can also be URLs! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Data value overlay - Content of `values.yaml`: ```yaml #@data/values --- #! must have --- here tag: latest ``` - Values get merged by being specified like "normal" files: ```bash ytt -f config/ -f values.yaml ``` - Multiple files can be specified .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Set a value with a flag - Set a string value: ```bash ytt -f config/ --data-value tag=latest ``` - Set a YAML value (useful to parse it as e.g. integer, boolean...): ```bash ytt -f config/ --data-value-yaml replicas=10 ``` - Read a string value from a file: ```bash ytt -f config/ --data-value-file ca_cert=cert.pem ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Set values from environment variables - Set environment variables with a prefix: ```bash export VAL_tag=latest export ``` - Use the variables as strings: ```bash ytt -f config/ --data-values-env VAL ``` - Or parse them as YAML: ```bash ytt -f config/ --data-values-env-yaml VAL ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Lines starting with `#@` - This generates an empty document: ```yaml #@ def hello(): hello: world #@ end #@ hello() ``` - Do this instead: ```yaml #@ def hello(): hello: world #@ end --- #@ hello() ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Generating multiple documents, take 1 - This won't work: ```yaml #@ def app(): kind: Deployment apiVersion: apps/v1 --- #! separate from next document kind: Service apiVersion: v1 #@ end --- #@ app() ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Generating multiple documents, take 2 - This won't work either: ```yaml #@ def app(): --- #! the initial separator indicates "this is a Document Set" kind: Deployment apiVersion: apps/v1 --- #! separate from next document kind: Service apiVersion: v1 #@ end --- #@ app() ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Generating multiple documents, take 3 - We must use the `template` module: ```yaml #@ load("@ytt:template", "template") #@ def app(): --- #! the initial separator indicates "this is a Document Set" kind: Deployment apiVersion: apps/v1 --- #! separate from next document kind: Service apiVersion: v1 #@ end --- #@ template.replace(app()) ``` - `template.replace(...)` is the only way (?) to replace one element with many .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Libraries - A reusable ytt configuration can be transformed into a library - Put it in a subdirectory named `_ytt_lib/whatever`, then: ```yaml #@ load("@ytt:library", "library") #@ load("@ytt:template", "template") #@ whatever = library.get("whatever") #@ my_values = {"tag": "latest", "registry": "..."} #@ output = whatever.with_data_values(my_values).eval() --- #@ template.replace(output) ``` - The `with_data_values()` step is optional, but useful to "configure" the library - Note the whole combo: ```yaml template.replace(library.get("...").with_data_values(...).eval()) ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Overlays - Powerful, but complex, but powerful! 💥 - Define transformations that are applied after generating the whole document set - General idea: - select YAML nodes to be transformed with an `#@overlay/match` decorator - write a YAML snippet with the modifications to be applied
(a bit like a strategic merge patch) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Example ```yaml #@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay") #@ selector = {"kind": "Deployment", "metadata": {"name": "worker"}} #@overlay/match by=overlay.subset(selector) --- spec: replicas: 10 ``` - By default, `#@overlay/match` must find *exactly* one match (that can be changed by specifying `expects=...`, `missing_ok=True`... see [docs]) - By default, the specified fields (here, `spec.replicas`) must exist (that can also be changed by annotating the optional fields) [docs]: .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Matching using a YAML document ```yaml #@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay") #@ def match(): kind: Deployment metadata: name: worker #@ end #@overlay/match by=overlay.subset(match()) --- spec: replicas: 10 ``` - This is equivalent to the subset match of the previous slide - It will find YAML nodes having all the listed fields .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Removing a field ```yaml #@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay") #@ def match(): kind: Deployment metadata: name: worker #@ end #@overlay/match by=overlay.subset(match()) --- spec: #@overlay/remove replicas: ``` - This would remove the `replicas:` field from a specific Deployment spec - This could be used e.g. when enabling autoscaling .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Selecting multiple nodes ```yaml #@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay") #@ def match(): kind: Deployment #@ end #@overlay/match by=overlay.subset(match()), expects="1+" --- spec: #@overlay/remove replicas: ``` - This would match all Deployments
(assuming that *at least one* exists) - It would remove the `replicas:` field from their spec
(the field must exist!) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Adding a field ```yaml #@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay") #@overlay/match by=overlay.all, expects="1+" --- metadata: #@overlay/match missing_ok=True annotations: #@overlay/match expects=0 rainbow: 🌈 ``` - `#@overlay/match missing_ok=True`
*will match whether our resources already have annotations or not* - `#@overlay/match expects=0`
*will only match if the `rainbow` annotation doesn't exist*
*(to make sure that we don't override/replace an existing annotation)* .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Overlays vs data values - The documentation has a [detailed discussion][docs] about this question - In short: - values = for parameters that are exposed to the user - overlays = for arbitrary extra modifications - Values are easier to use (use them when possible!) - Fallback to overlays when values don't expose what you need (keeping in mind that overlays are harder to write/understand/maintain) [docs]: .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Gotchas - Reminder: put your `#@` at the right place! ```yaml #! This will generate "hello, world!" --- #@ "{}, {}!".format("hello", "world") ``` ```yaml #! But this will generate an empty document --- #@ "{}, {}!".format("hello", "world") ``` - Also, don't use YAML anchors (`*foo` and `&foo`) - They don't mix well with ytt - Remember to use `template.render(...)` when generating multiple nodes (or to update lists or arrays without replacing them entirely) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Next steps with ytt - Read this documentation page about [injecting secrets][secrets] - Check the [FAQ], it gives some insights about what's possible with ytt - Exercise idea: write an overlay that will find all ConfigMaps mounted in Pods... ...and annotate the Pod with a hash of the ConfigMap [FAQ]: [secrets]: ??? :EN:- YTT :FR:- YTT .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-git-based-workflows-gitops class: title Git-based workflows (GitOps) .nav[ [Previous part](#toc-ytt) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-part-3) | [Next part](#toc-fluxcd) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Git-based workflows (GitOps) - Deploying with `kubectl` has downsides: - we don't know *who* deployed *what* and *when* - there is no audit trail (except the API server logs) - there is no easy way to undo most operations - there is no review/approval process (like for code reviews) - We have all these things for *code*, though - Can we manage cluster state like we manage our source code? .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Reminder: Kubernetes is *declarative* - All we do is create/change resources - These resources have a perfect YAML representation - All we do is manipulate these YAML representations (`kubectl run` generates a YAML file that gets applied) - We can store these YAML representations in a code repository - We can version that code repository and maintain it with best practices - define which branch(es) can go to qa/staging/production - control who can push to which branches - have formal review processes, pull requests, test gates... .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Enabling git-based workflows - There are a many tools out there to help us do that; with different approaches - "Git host centric" approach: GitHub Actions, GitLab... *the workflows/action are directly initiated by the git platform* - "Kubernetes cluster centric" approach: [ArgoCD], [FluxCD].. *controllers run on our clusters and trigger on repo updates* - This is not an exhaustive list (see also: Jenkins) - We're going to talk mostly about "Kubernetes cluster centric" approaches here [ArgoCD]: [Flux]: .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## The road to production In no specific order, we need to at least: - Choose a tool - Choose a cluster / app / namespace layout
(one cluster per app, different clusters for prod/staging...) - Choose a repository layout
(different repositories, directories, branches per app, env, cluster...) - Choose an installation / bootstrap method - Choose how new apps / environments / versions will be deployed - Choose how new images will be built .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Flux vs ArgoCD (1/2) - Flux: - fancy setup with an (optional) dedicated `flux bootstrap` command
(with support for specific git providers, repo creation...) - deploying an app requires multiple CRDs
(Kustomization, HelmRelease, GitRepository...) - supports Helm charts, Kustomize, raw YAML - ArgoCD: - simple setup (just apply YAMLs / install Helm chart) - fewer CRDs (basic workflow can be implement with a single "Application" resource) - supports Helm charts, Jsonnet, Kustomize, raw YAML, and arbitrary plugins .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Flux vs ArgoCD (2/2) - Flux: - sync interval is configurable per app - no web UI out of the box - CLI relies on Kubernetes API access - CLI can easily generate custom resource manifests (with `--export`) - self-hosted (flux controllers are managed by flux itself by default) - one flux instance manages a single cluster - ArgoCD: - sync interval is configured globally - comes with a web UI - CLI can use Kubernetes API or separate API and authentication system - one ArgoCD instance can manage multiple clusters .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Cluster, app, namespace layout - One cluster per app, different namespaces for environments? - One cluster per environment, different namespaces for apps? - Everything on a single cluster? One cluster per combination? - Something in between: - prod cluster, database cluster, dev/staging/etc cluster - prod+db cluster per app, shared dev/staging/etc cluster - And more! Note: this decision isn't really tied to GitOps! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Repository layout So many different possibilities! - Source repos - Cluster/infra repos/branches/directories - "Deployment" repos (with manifests, charts) - Different repos/branches/directories for environments 🤔 How to decide? .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Permissions - Different teams/companies = different repos - separate platform team → separate "infra" vs "apps" repos - teams working on different apps → different repos per app - Branches can be "protected" (`production`, `main`...) (don't need separate repos for separate environments) - Directories will typically have the same permissions - Managing directories is easier than branches - But branches are more "powerful" (cherrypicking, rebasing...) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Resource hierarchy - Git-based deployments are managed by Kubernetes resources (e.g. Kustomization, HelmRelease with Flux; Application with ArgoCD) - We will call these resources "GitOps resources" - These resources need to be managed like any other Kubernetes resource (YAML manifests, Kustomizations, Helm charts) - They can be managed with Git workflows too! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Cluster / infra management - How do we provision clusters? - Manual "one-shot" provisioning (CLI, web UI...) - Automation with Terraform, Ansible... - Kubernetes-driven systems (Crossplane, CAPI) - Infrastructure can also be managed with GitOps .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Example 1 - Managed with YAML/Charts: - core components (CNI, CSI, Ingress, logging, monitoring...) - GitOps controllers - critical application foundations (database operator, databases) - GitOps manifests - Managed with GitOps: - applications - staging databases .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Example 2 - Managed with YAML/Charts: - essential components (CNI, CoreDNS) - initial installation of GitOps controllers - Managed with GitOps: - upgrades of GitOps controllers - core components (CSI, Ingress, logging, monitoring...) - operators, databases - more GitOps manifests for applications! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Concrete example - Source code repository (not shown here) - Infrastructure repository (shown below), single branch ``` ├── charts/ <--- could also be in separate app repos │ ├── dockercoins/ │ └── color/ ├── apps/ <--- YAML manifests for GitOps resources │ ├── dockercoins/ (might reference the "charts" above, │ ├── blue/ and/or include environment-specific │ ├── green/ manifests to create e.g. namespaces, │ ├── kube-prometheus-stack/ configmaps, secrets...) │ ├── cert-manager/ │ └── traefik/ └── clusters/ <--- per-cluster; will typically reference ├── prod/ the "apps" above, possibly extending └── dev/ or adding configuration resources too ``` ??? :EN:- GitOps :FR:- GitOps .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-fluxcd class: title FluxCD .nav[ [Previous part](#toc-git-based-workflows-gitops) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-part-3) | [Next part](#toc-argocd) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # FluxCD - We're going to implement a basic GitOps workflow with Flux - Pushing to `main` will automatically deploy to the clusters - There will be two clusters (`dev` and `prod`) - The two clusters will have similar (but slightly different) workloads .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Repository structure This is (approximately) what we're going to do: ``` ├── charts/ <--- could also be in separate app repos │ ├── dockercoins/ │ └── color/ ├── apps/ <--- YAML manifests for GitOps resources │ ├── dockercoins/ (might reference the "charts" above, │ ├── blue/ and/or include environment-specific │ ├── green/ manifests to create e.g. namespaces, │ ├── kube-prometheus-stack/ configmaps, secrets...) │ ├── cert-manager/ │ └── traefik/ └── clusters/ <--- per-cluster; will typically reference ├── prod/ the "apps" above, possibly extending └── dev/ or adding configuration resources too ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Getting ready - Let's make sure we have two clusters - It's OK to use local clusters (kind, minikube...) - We might run into resource limits, though (pay attention to `Pending` pods!) - We need to install the Flux CLI ([packages], [binaries]) - **Highly recommended:** set up CLI completion! - Of course we'll need a Git service, too (we're going to use GitHub here) [packages]: [binaries]: .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## GitHub setup - Generate a GitHub token: - Give it "repo" access - This token will be used by the `flux bootstrap github` command later - It will create a repository and configure it (SSH key...) - The token can be revoked afterwards .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Flux bootstrap .lab[ - Let's set a few variables for convenience, and create our repository: ```bash export GITHUB_TOKEN=... export GITHUB_USER=changeme export GITHUB_REPO=alsochangeme export FLUX_CLUSTER=dev flux bootstrap github \ --owner=$GITHUB_USER \ --repository=$GITHUB_REPO \ --branch=main \ --path=./clusters/$FLUX_CLUSTER \ --personal --public ``` ] Problems? check next slide! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## What could go wrong? - `flux bootstrap` will create or update the repository on GitHub - Then it will install Flux controllers to our cluster - Then it waits for these controllers to be up and running and ready - Check pod status in `flux-system` - If pods are `Pending`, check that you have enough resources on your cluster - For testing purposes, it should be fine to lower or remove Flux `requests`! (but don't do that in production!) - If anything goes wrong, don't worry, we can just re-run the bootstrap .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details ## Idempotence - It's OK to run that same `flux bootstrap` command multiple times! - If the repository already exists, it will re-use it (it won't destroy or empty it) - If the path `./clusters/$FLUX_CLUSTER` already exists, it will update it - It's totally fine to re-run `flux bootstrap` if something fails - It's totally fine to run it multiple times on different clusters - Or even to run it multiple times for the *same* cluster (to reinstall Flux on that cluster after a cluster wipe / reinstall) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## What do we get? - Let's look at what `flux bootstrap` installed on the cluster .lab[ - Look inside the `flux-system` namespace: ```bash kubectl get all --namespace flux-system ``` - Look at `kustomizations` custom resources: ```bash kubectl get kustomizations --all-namespaces ``` - See what the `flux` CLI tells us: ```bash flux get all ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Deploying with GitOps - We'll need to add/edit files on the repository - We can do it by using `git clone`, local edits, `git commit`, `git push` - Or by editing online on the GitHub website .lab[ - Create a manifest; for instance `clusters/dev/flux-system/blue.yaml` - Add that manifest to `clusters/dev/kustomization.yaml` - Commit and push both changes to the repository ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Waiting for reconciliation - Compare the git hash that we pushed and the one shown with `kubectl get ` - Option 1: wait for Flux to pick up the changes in the repository (the default interval for git repositories is 1 minute, so that's fast) - Option 2: use `flux reconcile source git flux-system` (this puts an annotation on the appropriate resource, triggering an immediate check) - Option 3: set up receiver webhooks (so that git updates trigger immediate reconciliation) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Checking progress - `flux logs` - `kubectl get gitrepositories --all-namespaces` - `kubectl get kustomizations --all-namespaces` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Did it work? -- - No! -- - Why? -- - We need to indicate the namespace where the app should be deployed - Either in the YAML manifests - Or in the `kustomization` custom resource (using field `spec.targetNamespace`) - Add the namespace to the manifest and try again! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Adding an app in a reusable way - Let's see a technique to add a whole app (with multiple resource manifets) - We want to minimize code repetition (i.e. easy to add on multiple clusters with minimal changes) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## The plan - Add the app manifests in a directory (e.g.: `apps/myappname/manifests`) - Create a kustomization manifest for the app and its namespace (e.g.: `apps/myappname/flux.yaml`) - The kustomization manifest will refer to the app manifest - Add the kustomization manifest to the top-level `flux-system` kustomization .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Creating the manifests - All commands below should be executed at the root of the repository .lab[ - Put application manifests in their directory: ```bash mkdir -p apps/dockercoins cp ~/ apps/dockercoins/ ``` - Create kustomization manifest: ```bash flux create kustomization dockercoins \ --source=GitRepository/flux-system \ --path=./apps/dockercoins/manifests/ \ --target-namespace=dockercoins \ --prune=true --export > apps/dockercoins/flux.yaml ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Creating the target namespace - When deploying *helm releases*, it is possible to automatically create the namespace - When deploying *kustomizations*, we need to create it explicitly - Let's put the namespace with the kustomization manifest (so that the whole app can be mediated through a single manifest) .lab[ - Add the target namespace to the kustomization manifest: ```bash echo "--- kind: Namespace apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: dockercoins" >> apps/dockercoins/flux.yaml ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Linking the kustomization manifest - Edit `clusters/dev/flux-system/kustomization.yaml` - Add a line to reference the kustomization manifest that we created: ```yaml - ../../../apps/dockercoins/flux.yaml ``` - `git add` our manifests, `git commit`, `git push` (check with `git status` that we haven't forgotten anything!) - `flux reconcile` or wait for the changes to be picked up .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Installing with Helm - We're going to see two different workflows: - installing a third-party chart
(e.g. something we found on the Artifact Hub) - installing one of our own charts
(e.g. a chart we authored ourselves) - The procedures are very similar .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Installing from a public Helm repository - Let's install [kube-prometheus-stack][kps] .lab[ - Create the Flux manifests: ```bash mkdir -p apps/kube-prometheus-stack flux create source helm kube-prometheus-stack \ --url= \ --export >> apps/kube-prometheus-stack/flux.yaml flux create helmrelease kube-prometheus-stack \ --source=HelmRepository/kube-prometheus-stack \ --chart=kube-prometheus-stack --release-name=kube-prometheus-stack \ --target-namespace=kube-prometheus-stack --create-target-namespace \ --export >> apps/kube-prometheus-stack/flux.yaml ``` ] [kps]: .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Enable the app - Just like before, link the manifest from the top-level kustomization (`flux-system` in namespace `flux-system`) - `git add` / `git commit` / `git push` - We should now have a Prometheus+Grafana observability stack! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Installing from a Helm chart in a git repo - In this example, the chart will be in the same repo - In the real world, it will typically be in a different repo! .lab[ - Generate a basic Helm chart: ```bash mkdir -p charts helm create charts/myapp ``` ] (This generates a chart which installs NGINX. A lot of things can be customized, though.) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Creating the Flux manifests - The invocation is very similar to our first example .lab[ - Generate the Flux manifest for the Helm release: ```bash mkdir apps/myapp flux create helmrelease myapp \ --source=GitRepository/flux-system \ --chart=charts/myapp \ --target-namespace=myapp --create-target-namespace \ --export > apps/myapp/flux.yaml ``` - Add a reference to that manifest to the top-level kustomization - `git add` / `git commit` / `git push` the chart, manifest, and kustomization ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Passing values - We can also configure our Helm releases with values - Using an existing `myvalues.yaml` file: `flux create helmrelease ... --values=myvalues.yaml` - Referencing an existing ConfigMap or Secret with a `values.yaml` key: `flux create helmrelease ... --values-from=ConfigMap/myapp` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Gotchas - When creating a HelmRelease using a chart stored in a git repository, you must: - either bump the chart version (in `Chart.yaml`) after each change, - or set `spec.chart.spec.reconcileStrategy` to `Revision` - Why? - Flux installs helm releases using packaged artifacts - Artifacts are updated only when the Helm chart version changes - Unless `reconcileStrategy` is set to `Revision` (instead of the default `ChartVersion`) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## More gotchas - There is a bug in Flux that prevents using identical subcharts with aliases - See [fluxcd/flux2#2505][flux2505] for details [flux2505]: .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Things that we didn't talk about... - Bucket sources - Image automation controller - Image reflector controller - And more! ??? :EN:- Implementing gitops with Flux :FR:- Workflow gitops avec Flux .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-argocd class: title ArgoCD .nav[ [Previous part](#toc-fluxcd) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-part-3) | [Next part](#toc-) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # ArgoCD - We're going to implement a basic GitOps workflow with ArgoCD - Pushing to the default branch will automatically deploy to our clusters - There will be two clusters (`dev` and `prod`) - The two clusters will have similar (but slightly different) workloads  .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## ArgoCD concepts ArgoCD manages **applications** by **syncing** their **live state** with their **target state**. - **Application**: a group of Kubernetes resources managed by ArgoCD.
Also a custom resource (`kind: Application`) managing that group of resources. - **Application source type**: the **Tool** used to build the application (Kustomize, Helm...) - **Target state**: the desired state of an **application**, as represented by the git repository. - **Live state**: the current state of the application on the cluster. - **Sync status**: whether or not the live state matches the target state. - **Sync**: the process of making an application move to its target state.
(e.g. by applying changes to a Kubernetes cluster) (Check [ArgoCD core concepts]( for more definitions!) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Getting ready - Let's make sure we have two clusters - It's OK to use local clusters (kind, minikube...) - We need to install the ArgoCD CLI ([packages], [binaries]) - **Highly recommended:** set up CLI completion! - Of course we'll need a Git service, too [packages]: [binaries]: .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Setting up ArgoCD - The easiest way is to use upstream YAML manifests - There is also a [Helm chart][argohelmchart] if we need more customization .lab[ - Create a namespace for ArgoCD and install it there: ```bash kubectl create namespace argocd kubectl apply --namespace argocd -f \ ``` ] [argohelmchart]: .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Logging in with the ArgoCD CLI - The CLI can talk to the ArgoCD API server or to the Kubernetes API server - For simplicity, we're going to authenticate and communicate with the Kubernetes API .lab[ - Authenticate with the ArgoCD API (that's what the `--core` flag does): ```bash argocd login --core ``` - Check that everything is fine: ```bash argocd version ``` ] -- 🤔 `FATA[0000] error retrieving argocd-cm: configmap "argocd-cm" not found` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## ArgoCD CLI shortcomings - When using "core" authentication, the ArgoCD CLI uses our current Kubernetes context (as defined in our kubeconfig file) - That context need to point to the correct namespace (the namespace where we installed ArgoCD) - In fact, `argocd login --core` doesn't communicate at all with ArgoCD! (it only updates a local ArgoCD configuration file) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Trying again in the right namespace - We will need to run all `argocd` commands in the `argocd` namespace (this limitation only applies to "core" authentication; see [issue 14167][issue14167]) .lab[ - Switch to the `argocd` namespace: ```bash kubectl config set-context --current --namespace argocd ``` - Check that we can communicate with the ArgoCD API now: ```bash argocd version ``` ] - Let's have a look at ArgoCD architecture! [issue14167]: .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic  .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## ArgoCD API Server The API server is a gRPC/REST server which exposes the API consumed by the Web UI, CLI, and CI/CD systems. It has the following responsibilities: - application management and status reporting - invoking of application operations (e.g. sync, rollback, user-defined actions) - repository and cluster credential management (stored as K8s secrets) - authentication and auth delegation to external identity providers - RBAC enforcement - listener/forwarder for Git webhook events .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## ArgoCD Repository Server The repository server is an internal service which maintains a local cache of the Git repositories holding the application manifests. It is responsible for generating and returning the Kubernetes manifests when provided the following inputs: - repository URL - revision (commit, tag, branch) - application path - template specific settings: parameters, helm values... .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## ArgoCD Application Controller The application controller is a Kubernetes controller which continuously monitors running applications and compares the current, live state against the desired target state (as specified in the repo). It detects *OutOfSync* application state and optionally takes corrective action. It is responsible for invoking any user-defined hooks for lifecycle events (*PreSync, Sync, PostSync*). .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Preparing a repository for ArgoCD - We need a repository with Kubernetes YAML manifests - You can fork [kubercoins] or create a new, empty repository - If you create a new, empty repository, add some manifests to it [kubercoins]: .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Add an Application - An Application can be added to ArgoCD via the web UI or the CLI (either way, this will create a custom resource of `kind: Application`) - The Application should then automatically be deployed to our cluster (the application manifests will be "applied" to the cluster) .lab[ - Let's use the CLI to add an Application: ```bash argocd app create kubercoins \ --repo`
`.git \ --path . --revision `
` \ --dest-server https://kubernetes.default.svc \ --dest-namespace kubercoins-prod ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Checking progress - We can see sync status in the web UI or with the CLI .lab[ - Let's check app status with the CLI: ```bash argocd app list ``` - We can also check directly with the Kubernetes CLI: ```bash kubectl get applications ``` ] - The app is there and it is `OutOfSync`! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Manual sync with the CLI - By default the "sync policy" is `manual` - It can also be set to `auto`, which would check the git repository every 3 minutes (this interval can be [configured globally][pollinginterval]) - Manual sync can be triggered with the CLI .lab[ - Let's force an immediate sync of our app: ```bash argocd app sync kubercoins ``` ] 🤔 We're getting errors! [pollinginterval]: .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Sync failed We should receive a failure: `FATA[0000] Operation has completed with phase: Failed` And in the output, we see more details: `Message: one or more objects failed to apply,`
`reason: namespaces "kubercoins-prod" not found` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Creating the namespace - There are multiple ways to achieve that - We could generate a YAML manifest for the namespace and add it to the git repository - Or we could use "Sync Options" so that ArgoCD creates it automatically! - ArgoCD provides many "Sync Options" to handle various edge cases - Some [others]( are: `FailOnSharedResource`, `PruneLast`, `PrunePropagationPolicy`... .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Editing the app's sync options - This can be done through the web UI or the CLI .lab[ - Let's use the CLI once again: ```bash argocd app edit kubercoins ``` - Add the following to the YAML manifest, at the root level: ```yaml syncPolicy: syncOptions: - CreateNamespace=true ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Sync again .lab[ - Let's retry the sync operation: ```bash argocd app sync kubercoins ``` - And check the application status: ```bash argocd app list kubectl get applications ``` ] - It should show `Synced` and `Progressing` - After a while (when all pods are running correctly) it should be `Healthy` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Managing Applications via the Web UI - ArgoCD is popular in large part due to its browser-based UI - Let's see how to manage Applications in the web UI .lab[ - Expose the web dashboard on a local port: ```bash argocd admin dashboard ``` - This command will show the dashboard URL; open it in a browser - Authentication should be automatic ] Note: `argocd admin dashboard` is similar to `kubectl port-forward` or `kubectl-proxy`. (The dashboard remains available as long as `argocd admin dashboard` is running.) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Adding a staging Application - Let's add another Application for a staging environment - First, create a new branch (e.g. `staging`) in our kubercoins fork - Then, in the ArgoCD web UI, click on the "+ NEW APP" button (on a narrow display, it might just be "+", right next to buttons looking like 🔄 and ↩️) - See next slides for details about that form! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Defining the Application | Field | Value | |------------------|--------------------------------------------| | Application Name | `kubercoins-stg` | | Project Name | `default` | | Sync policy | `Manual` | | Sync options | check `auto-create namespace` | | Repository URL | `
` | | Revision | `
` | | Path | `.` | | Cluster URL | `https://kubernetes.default.svc` | | Namespace | `kubercoins-stg` | Then click on the "CREATE" button (top left). .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Synchronizing the Application - After creating the app, it should now show up in the app tiles (with a yellow outline to indicate that it's out of sync) - Click on the "SYNC" button on the app tile to show the sync panel - In the sync panel, click on "SYNCHRONIZE" - The app will start to synchronize, and should become healthy after a little while .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Making changes - Let's make changes to our application manifests and see what happens .lab[ - Make a change to a manifest (for instance, change the number of replicas of a Deployment) - Commit that change and push it to the staging branch - Check the application sync status: ```bash argocd app list ``` ] - After a short period of time (a few minutes max) the app should show up "out of sync" .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Automated synchronization - We don't want to manually sync after every change (that wouldn't be true continuous deployment!) - We're going to enable "auto sync" - Note that this requires much more rigorous testing and observability! (we need to be sure that our changes won't crash our app or even our cluster) - Argo project also provides [Argo Rollouts][rollouts] (a controller and CRDs to provide blue-green, canary deployments...) - Today we'll just turn on automated sync for the staging namespace [rollouts]: .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Enabling auto-sync - In the web UI, go to *Applications* and click on *kubercoins-stg* - Click on the "DETAILS" button (top left, might be just a "i" sign on narrow displays) - Click on "ENABLE AUTO-SYNC" (under "SYNC POLICY") - After a few minutes the changes should show up! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Rolling back - If we deploy a broken version, how do we recover? - "The GitOps way": revert the changes in source control (see next slide) - Emergency rollback: - disable auto-sync (if it was enabled) - on the app page, click on "HISTORY AND ROLLBACK"
(with the clock-with-backward-arrow icon) - click on the "..." button next to the button we want to roll back to - click "Rollback" and confirm .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Rolling back with GitOps - The correct way to roll back is rolling back the code in source control ```bash git checkout staging git revert HEAD git push origin staging ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Working with Helm - ArgoCD supports different tools to process Kubernetes manifests: Kustomize, Helm, Jsonnet, and [Config Management Plugins][cmp] - Let's how to deploy Helm charts with ArgoCD! - In the [kubercoins] repository, there is a branch called [helm] - It provides a generic Helm chart, in the [generic-service] directory - There are service-specific values YAML files in the [values] directory - Let's create one application for each of the 5 components of our app! [cmp]: [kubercoins]: [helm]: [generic-service]: [values]: .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Creating a Helm Application - The example below uses "upstream" kubercoins - Feel free to use your own fork instead! .lab[ - Create an Application for `hasher`: ```bash argocd app create hasher \ --repo \ --path generic-service --revision helm \ --dest-server https://kubernetes.default.svc \ --dest-namespace kubercoins-helm \ --sync-option CreateNamespace=true \ --values ../values/hasher.yaml \ --sync-policy=auto ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Deploying the rest of the application - Option 1: repeat the previous command (updating app name and values) - Option 2: author YAML manifests and apply them .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Additional considerations - When running in production, ArgoCD can be integrated with an [SSO provider][sso] - ArgoCD embeds and bundles [Dex] to delegate authentication - it can also use an existing OIDC provider (Okta, Keycloak...) - A single ArgoCD instance can manage multiple clusters (but it's also fine to have one ArgoCD per cluster) - ArgoCD can be complemented with [Argo Rollouts][rollouts] for advanced rollout control (blue/green, canary...) [sso]: [Dex]: [rollouts]: ??? :EN:- Implementing gitops with ArgoCD :FR:- Workflow gitops avec ArgoCD .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: title Merci !  .debug[[shared/](] --- ## Derniers mots... - Le portail de formation reste en ligne après la formation - N'hésitez pas à nous contacter via la messagerie instantanée ! - Les VM ENIX restent en ligne au moins une semaine après la formation (mais pas les clusters cloud ; eux on les éteint très vite) - N'oubliez pas de remplier les formulaires d'évaluation (c'est pas pour nous, c'est une obligation légale😅) - Encore **merci** à vous ! .debug[[shared/](]